- Mita_Banerjee@whtmy.com
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- (909) 607-2648
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Fletcher 208
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With Pitzer Since: 1992
MA, PhD, University of Michigan
BA, University of British Columbia
Socio-emotional Development, Social Cognition, Risk and Resilience in Childhood, Parent-Child Emotion Interactions, HIV/AIDS & Children, Children’s Storybooks.
Ongoing Research Projects include:
1. The Relationship Between Parent’s Conceptions of Emotion and Parent-Child Emotion Interactions;
2. Community-based socio-emotional interventions with children orphaned by AIDS in Southern Africa;
3. Children’s Storybook Writing (Andalusia Goes to Sea and other stories)
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC10)
Child Development (PSYC105)
Laboratory in Social Development (PSYC109)
Children at Risk (PSYC116)
Children and Families in South Asia (PSYC117)
The Socialization of Gender: A Developmental Perspective (PSYC153)
Seminar on Emotional Development (PSYC195)
“Lessons from Near and Far: An Experiment in Global Pedagogy,” submitted manuscript. With Dipa Basu.
“Peeling the Onion: A Multilayered View of Children’s Emotional Development,” in Suzanne Hala, ed., The Development of Social Cognition. East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press, Ltd, 1997.
“Hidden Emotions: Preschoolers’ Knowledge of Appearance-Reality and Emotion Display Rules,” Social Cognition, vol.15, no.2 (1997).
“Vulnerable but Resilient: Studies with AIDS Orphans in Botswana,” invited talk given to the Cross Cultural Psychology Group, Woodbury University, Burbank, CA, October 1, 2012.
“AIDS Orphans in Southern Africa: Beyond Adoption to Socio-emotional Interventions,” paper presented at the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture Conference, Claremont, CA, March 25, 2012.
“A Social and Emotional Development Intervention in a Southern African Preschool,” paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO, April 2009. With M. Dooley, C. Mackler and O. Werby.
“Dealing with Feelings: The Socialization of Emotions in Preschoolers,” paper presented at St. Louis University, Psychology Department, April 2008.